Thanks, YouTube!

Motivational StoryHere’s a little something just to make your week! It’s a very inspirational video about Team Hoyt. Click here to view it.

I know a go-getter like you will appreciate this for its motivational value, but in case you have others in your life who tend to be just a little on the negative side, you can share this link as a way to help remind them they are probably nowhere near as bad off as their doom and gloom attitude might suggest. If they’re not moved after viewing this, you can tell ’em Dr. Burt said to just shut up!

The marketing lesson here is that thanks to YouTube, we all have a central, cost-effective place to store and share videos to help educate, motivate, entertain, inspire, etc. There are new uses for this cropping up all the time, and having this powerful tool working for us is something we should all appreciate.

So thank you, YouTube!

