Efficiency and Effectiveness

Harvey Mackay Shares 10 valuable business lessons from Santa

I grabbed this article from BizJournals.com. It originally appeared last year, and here’s a direct link if you’d like to read the original post. Good article and a good site! Harvey Mackay: 10 valuable business lessons from Santa Santa brings merriment to the season, but he also teaches us many valuable business lessons. No matter […]

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Why you shouldn’t be too quick to change a strategy (or a whole system)…

A systems approach in the design of any organization, big, small, for profit, not-for-profit, governmental, whatever, is a good idea. When you systematize the process, you have the opportunity to powerfully replicate what works and potentially avoid what causes inefficiencies. If you want to revisit some of the reasons why a systems approach will help […]

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Best word business ever added to its decision-making vocabulary

Arguably the smartest business word ever uttered, and adopted into the business vocabulary, is “contingency.” The dictionary defines contingency as “A future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.” Doesn’t that apply to just about every aspect of strategy in any sector? Nothing can be predicted with certainty and nothing […]

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