
Batman vs. Superman: And the winner is…?

Spoiler Alert: This HUGE movie comes out Friday and everyone is speculating about who the  “Winner” will be. Well, I’ve got the answer: You! That’s right, if you’re a fan, you’ve already won! The writers, producers, director, cast and crew of this epic undertaking (which cost close to $411 million to make) put their blood, […]

read more – We have a new customer service CHAMPION!

You may recall that over the years I’ve noted my love/hate relationship with my cell phone and many things electronic. Thanks to a newly found, newly-formed relationship with the newly-located team at (178th and Western, right next door to the Family Video), I’m now back in love with my electronics. I had an blog-worthy […]

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Harvey Mackay Shares 10 valuable business lessons from Santa

I grabbed this article from It originally appeared last year, and here’s a direct link if you’d like to read the original post. Good article and a good site! Harvey Mackay: 10 valuable business lessons from Santa Santa brings merriment to the season, but he also teaches us many valuable business lessons. No matter […]

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Good copy, Home Depot!

Pop quiz: Is this good marketing? The answer in a moment (like you didn’t already know what the answer is!). (Psst… you can find a hint here if need be. Anyhow, on with the story. I spied this display right outside the main entrance to Home Depot. They had an immaculately trimmed Christmas tree with […]

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