
What would Joan do?

Procter & Gamble is considered a “best of breed” company. Their stock is considered a must-own by the vast majority of stock analysts, and their legacy has spanned two centuries. One reason for their ongoing success is the power of their brands. One reason they have such powerful brands is because they stay so close […]

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Would you watch a show called “Six of One?” (Actually, you probably have…)

According to Warren Littlefield, former president of NBC TV and the author of Top of the Rock, the show that followed the antics of six twenty-somethings as they navigated the waters of post-college life was originally called “Six of One” rather than name that is now enshrined in television history and pop culture, which is […]

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Having trouble getting started? Google It!

Google has an interesting guiding principle. They believe that everything – every product, every process – is constantly in beta. This helps them avoid the all-too-common “paralysis by analysis” that often derails businesses of all sizes. It lets them get products into the hands of customers so those customers can begin enjoying the benefits of […]

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Changing your strategic plan? Not so fast!

It’s that time of year. The execs are sitting around the board room getting fidgity, wondering if they should overhaul their current strategic plan or scrap it altogether. Or maybe just tweak it a little, since they haven’t tweaked anything in a while. Truthfully, and practically, their energy could probably be better spent on other […]

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